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Majid Dori Denied Medical Care in Behbahan Prison


Political prisoner Majid Dori’s health is fast deteriorating while officials in Behbahan Prison continue to deny him the necessary medical care.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), although Majid Dori suffers from migraines and anemia and needs to be treated by a specialist, prison officials refuse to transfer him to a hospital outside the prison.

In an interview with HRANA, one of Majid Dori’s family members reported that the officials have turned down the family’s request to transfer Majid to one of the prisons in Tehran.

In one of his letters written from prison, Majid Dori described his situation and wrote, “I have not only been behind bars since July 9, 2009, they have also given me the court’s verdict sentencing and exiling me to 6 years in prison so that I forego my youth and make myself ready to face an unfair and unjust imprisonment as far from the smallest amount of fairness as possible. The judges condemned me to spend this prison term behind bars in the city of Izeh. It was as if Intelligence Agency’s interrogators had forgotten to tell the judges that Izeh had no prisons. Inevitably, I had to be exiled to another prison with the lowest and smallest amount of standards possible, a prison situated in the worst climate under primitive conditions similar to that of the Dark Ages.”


Source : HRANA News Agency