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Lawyers’ Mr. Mostafa Daneshjou abortive efforts for information about his whereabouts



Despite all their follow-ups, Lawyers of Mr. Mostafa Daneshjou , the arrested lawyer of Gonabadi Dervishes, have no reliable information on his place of imprisonment in hand.

Majzouban nour’s correspondent reported, today morning Mr. Mostafa Daneshjou’ lawyers in order to get some information about his condition referred to (Tehran Representation Law court/ Tehran Bar Law court)’Soffice .But authorities announced that this case on 20 April in the current year  has been sent to the Sari’s public Representation Law court/ Bar Law court and from that time no file is registered for him in this court. Then Daneshjou’s lawyers went to Evin prison but the authorities also declared thathe is under custody of the Ministry of Intelligence and National Security.

According to these lawyers there is no reliable information about the place he has been kept.

It should be said that on Wednesday May 20th, 2011, Moustafa Danshju, who because of prosecuting Mazandarn’s Security Organization for conducting an illegitimate search of two Darvish houses, had beenaccused of spreading lies to tolerate and sentenced seven months in prison, arrested by security forces and moved to an unknown place.

Written by Majzooban on Saturday 21 May 2011