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Persecution of Gonabadi Dervishes is going in Kavar

Today (11/9/2011), Mehdi Dehghan was arrested in Kavar by the security forces.
According to Majzooban Noor website’s reporter, at noon of Aban 18, 1390 (November 09, 2011) the security forces arrested this Gonabadi Dervish, raiding his house without any legal warrant and moved him to an unknown place.

Illegal inspection and search of this Dervish’s house was accompanied with frightening and horrifying his family.

It is noticeable that during recent days, over than 10 cases of inspections and searches of Gonabadi Dervishes’ houses in Kavar have been done by the security and plain-clothes forces. These actions have been accompanied with shot, violent treatment and persecution of their families and in one case led to detention of Mehrdad Keshavarz on Aban 03, 1390 (October 25, 2011).