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Mohammad Mostafaei will receive Norwegian award for outstanding achievements


On Tuesday November 15th, prominent human rights lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei will be awarded the Norwegian PEN’s Ossietzky prize for outstanding achievements in the field of free expression.


The ceremony will take place in the evening at the House of Literature in Oslo. Mostafaei has saved more than 50 clients, mainly women and children, from execution in Iran.

In July 2010, a few days after being summoned to Evin prison’s Court Branch, Mostafaei visited the Evin prison Intelligence Prosecutor’s office and was interrogated for four hours. Later that afternoon, security forces went to Mostafaei’s office with an arrest warrant, but he was not there. Mostafaei had fled to Norway to seek protection from regime authorities after his wife and brother-in-law were taken hostage and held for ransom. In September 2010, the human rights lawyer’s wife and young daughter were able to also join him in Norway to begin their new life in exile.

In November 2010, Mostafaei was sentenced in absentia by the Tehran Revolutionary Court to six years prison exile in the town of Izeh. He was charged with “Acting against national security by giving interviews to Persian-language media” and “Propaganda against the regime”.

Mohammad Mostafaei gained international attention when he defended Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two who had been sentenced to death by stoning on the charge of “Adultery”. Due to the massive international attention surrounding the Ashtiani case, the Iranian regime authorities have since cancelled the stoning sentence.

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I have stated repeatedly that I have no ties to any group, and I am an independent lawyer. Even if I was cooperating with a group, that would not be an offence. All those who live outside Iran, whether they are communists, PMOI members, Toudeh partisans, etc. are victims of the crimes you and those like you have committed.

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Due to the current conditions in the Islamic Republic of Iran and especially after the events following the presidential [2009] election, there is not only insecurity for political and social activists, the ordinary Iranian citizens are also in danger.

Mohammad Mostafaei Delivers Speech Against Executions
Execution is a licence to kill for powerful leaders. Execution is an action that makes the act of killing easier and more doable. It reduces the obscenity and ugliness of murder, in particular for those who have the potential to commit crime. Execution is a cruel punishment; a punishment by which the innocent get killed and become victims.

Mohammad Mostafaei to World Leaders: Islamic Republic of Iran Violates Human Rights
What has been mentioned is just a drop in the ocean of the tyranny and oppression that the Islamic Republic inflicts on its citizens. The Iranian people need support now more than ever. They need boycotts against the human rights abusers, not against the very people who are victims of an incompetent and violent state.

Hengameh Shahidi Writes Open Letter from Prison About Lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei

My defense attorney worked very hard to defend juvenile offenders under the age of 18 years of age. To work for the children is to work for the future. To work for the children creates a future worth moving towards. To serve the children is a healthy aspect of all religions, ideologies, and political movements. Do you know why I say all this? I say this because I have not lost hope.

Source : Persian2English