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One month since his arrest, Houman Fakhar remains incommunicado


Even though a month has gone by since the arrest of children’s rights activist and member of One Million Signatures Campaign Houman Fakhar, there is still no news of him.

On October 14 plainclothes agents who were verbally aggressive and did not have a warrant, violently arrested activist Houman Fakhar.

More than one month has gone by since the arrest of this children’s rights activist, but there is still no news of him. Since his arrest, he was able to make one very short contact with family only saying that he is well.

A family member who went to Evin prison inquiring about his situation was told that Houman’s name is not on the list of prisoners being held there.

Houman Fakhar was previously arrested on February 17, 2011 and he was on temporary release after paying his bail. Houman Fakhar is a 32-year-old electrical engineer from the Netherlands residing in Tehran and serves as secretary of European Association of Education. He is now behind bars incommunicado.

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