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Mohamad Nourizad’s 12th letter to Supreme Leader



Journalist and documentary film maker Mohamad Nourizad has written his 12th letter to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. In his latest letter he reveals he was threatened by plainclothes thugs to stop him talking.

Nourizad was arrested December 20, 2009 for writing and publishing letters critical of Khamenei and the regime’s harsh treatment of the post- election protesters. He was released from prison May 2011.

Below are excerpts of his latest letter to Ayatollah Khamenei:

“Sir, just imagine yourself driving on one of Tehran’s streets, then it becomes necessary to put your brakes on and stop the car. Suddenly two men, without your permission, enter your car. One sits in the front seat and the other directly behind you in the back seat.

The one sitting in the front seat, about thirty five years old, is wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day and wearing a wool hat.

He immediately turns the rearview mirror up so you can’t see the face of the person seating directly behind you.

By turning your head, you try to get an idea of what your unwanted guests look like and how old they are.

But the 35 year old man seems to know what he is doing, he hits the dashboard hard and says, “look ahead!” The one sitting in the back seat seems to have a higher rank in this “Mission Impossible” and has a deeper voice. It seemed that he was trying to disguise his voice.

He shows the height of authority and firmness of the soldiers of Imam Mahdi, with the utmost wisdom and desire in protecting the Revolution and says, “Zip it, or we will take care of you, your wife and your children.”

Nourizad continues in his letter telling Khamenei to forgive him for asking him to put himself in his position and tells him that fortunately he (Khamenei) does not have to ever suffer such frightening shock, for no one would ever dare to treat him in this way.

Nourizad continues, “I had no choice but to remain silent in this forced unwanted situation. The man behind me, felt the need to stab me once again with his sharp words. He repeated himself, “Did you hear what I said, “Either you zip it, or we will take care of you, your wife and your children.”

“What could I have said in response? You tell me! Should I have said: Alright, I will? I will zip it, and you don’t bother me and my family?

Perhaps then, they would have left my car, and would have left me in shock, with the promise that I gave them.

But, no, things went a different way. I still wonder how did these words came out of my mouth: I have enough dignity and common sense as to not bother anyone’s wife and children. But so far, it seems like I am the one who has taken care of you.”

They continued with their threats saying that they know how to make powder out of me, they know how to make my wife and children mourn for me. They said they know how to dishonor and discredit me on various news and none news sites. They then left my car.”

Nourizad continues with telling Khamenei that, “Why should I not say that these are the most bitter days of your life. Why should I not say that your calm and powerful era has passed and is long gone.”

In his letter Nourizad continues to criticize Khamenei for the international isolation, comparing him with Qatar’s ruler.

He tells Khamenei that the Emir of Qatar, with such a small land that he rules, is able to travel internationally and is welcomed all around the world.

Nourizad continues, “I am baffled that why is it that you are not able to step foot outside of your country? Why is it that you are not able to travel to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)?”

“Once upon a time, we stood up to the United States and chanted slogans: You are proud of your atomic bombs, here, every Iranian is an atomic bomb. And in a declamatory style we would say: A government that places it’s foundation on the hearts of the people is indestructible.

These empty declamations were not because we did not know our opponent, nor was it because we did not have the military might to back up, but it was because year upon year, we further pushed a dagger into the hearts of the people making them hate us more and more.”

“From the inception of the Revolution, particularly from the start of your Supreme Leadership, you based our glory on enmity with the United States of America.

You placed so much importance on our enmity with the United Stated, as though, our existence would only be meaningful if we continued our hostility towards the U.S., and our death would come from friendship with the U.S.”

“I wished we were as honest with our anti-American contentions as we were with our years of denying the truth about ourselves.

I wished, parallel to teaching our people the “Death to America” slogan, that we forced upon them like oxygen in their lungs, we would have strengthened the shaky foundations of our economy. Oh dear, time has gone by and we still have remained on the high tower of chanting slogans in our torn attire.

You must accept that you and all of us have erred. The only benefit that carrying the flag of hostility with the U.S. has had for us has been to suppress our opponents and critics. So we can tell them: Silence, we are in a war with the United States of America.”

Nourizad concludes his letter to Khamenei by giving him advise on how to bring peace and stability to the nation. He tells him to recognize Iran’s standing in the international community and to obey the International declarations that Iran has signed.

He tells him to bring an end to the story of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear power in an internationally acceptable manner. He advises him to put a stop to Sepah’s influence and 8involvement in the country’s politics and economy.

He advises him to let the people be able to express their opinion, even if it’s an opposing opinion, and allow free speech.

He advises him to engage in talks with the international community and bring back Iran’s lost honor and dignity and put an end to the international community’s sanctions placed on Iran.

And lastly, he advises the unconditional release of all political prisoners and goes on using few examples of innocent people that are now incarcerated in the prisons of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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Source: Jaras