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Abdollah Momeni’s wife: After Writing A Letter To The Leader, Abdollah’s Situation Is Worse Than Before



It has been nine months  since Advar-e-Tahkime Vahdat (Alumni Association) Spokesman, Abdollah Momeni has been allowed use of furlough.


He was violently arrested on June 20, 2009 at the Free Citizen’s headquarters (Mehdi Karroubi’s supporters).

He was incarcerated under interrogation and torture for more than 100 days in solitary confinement.

Abdollah Momeni

After 9 months in prison, Momeni was released on a short furlough (5 days)  in March of 2010, during which time he was summoned many times by the interrogators.

The interrogators wanted Momeni to testify and give interviews to the press and speeches at the universities against the Green Leaders, against Advar-e-Tahkime Vahdat, and against the student movement.

Momeni refused to comply with the interrogators request. In retaliation, they sent him back to prison.

During his incarceration, Momeni went on a hunger strike twice. He. along with other prisoners. went on a 15 day hunger strike to protest the treatment of political prisoners and their families by the authorities.

He also went on a 15 day hunger strike along with eleven other political prisoners protesting the death of Hoda Saber in prison due to lack of medical treatment.

In summer of 2010, Momeni wrote a letter to the Leader of the Islamic Republic. In his letter he described the unbearable tortures that he suffered in the hands of the interrogators.

Tortures, like pushing his head into a filthy dirty toilet and the severe physical and psychological tortures that he suffered. His letter was widely published in the media.

Later, Momeni filed an official complaint with the Judiciary against his interrogators, Judge Mortazavi and Judge Salavati (the Judges in his case).

But yet again, they put him in the defendant’s seat. He was charged with additional charges for filing the complaint and for writing a letter to the Leader. He was arraigned on charges of disturbing the public by publishing lies.

Momeni is currently in Ward 350 of Evin prison, serving his 5 year sentence.

The following is an interview conducted by Jaras with Momeni’s wife, Fatemeh Adinehvand.

Mrs. Adinehvan, how is the general status and condition of Mr. Momeni

Mr. Momeni was taken to a hospital twice for treatment but his hearing problem still exists. Due to tortures he suffered, his ear drum in one ear was torn and he also has a problem in his other ear. We hope that they will allow his treatment to continue.

Unfortunately, Abdollah also suffers from a skin condition he acquired while in solitary confinement due to unsanitary conditions. In the last 30 months his skin condition has gotten worse and is very bothersome for him.

If the authorities had a bit of compassion, they would allow him medical furlough for treatment of his conditions.

How long has it been since Mr. Momeni has been out on furlough?

He has not been out on furlough since April 2010. During his 600 days of incarceration, they have only allowed us a face to face meeting three times. He is also banned from use of a telephone.

My children miss their father and they would like to see him and talk with him, But unfortunately they have not replied to our requests for a face to face meeting or for a furlough. We also have a God.

Mrs. Adinehvand why do they not approve his furlough?

Abdollah believes that because of the letter he wrote to the Leader that they deny his furlough. However, I think additional causes are his filing a complaint against his interrogators and Judge Mortazavi.

I regret that it is because of personal grudges that they deny his rights. Abdollah’s status became much worse after writing that letter to the Leader.

With everything you described, how is Mr. Momeni’s mood?

Prison is not a good place for a teacher, but despite that, he is in good spirits.

Mrs. Adinehvand, as a member of a martyr’s family, and since you lost your first husband to preserve the independence of the country, what is your request from the authorities in the Islamic Republic that continue to praise the martyrs?

I have absolutely no request from them, and, considering their prior actions, I do not expect them to honor the rights of the prisoners.

We have sent a furlough request and a request for a face to face meeting, to the Public Prosecutor’s office, but I don’t think that they are the real decision makers. I think the decisions are made by others and as a result we don’t expect anything from them.

It is regretful that in an Islamic country the rights of the people are so easily trampled upon and justice does not exist. Do they themselves not like for their children to be able to see their parents?

Source: Jaras

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