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Mysticism, The Hidden Sun of the Religion

The relationship between Religion and Mysticism
An Interview with Dr. Heshmat Allah Riazi

Much has been written by different intellectuals on the lack of correspondence between mysticism and a mystical life that is filled with love and the obligations associated with the modern contemporary life; but is the fire that was burning the soul of man has really died?

An interview has been done with Dr. Heshmatallah Riazi about the correspondence and use of mysticism in the contemporary world. HE has been teaching Masnavi for more than 50 years and is the professor of Islamic theology and mysticism as well as Persian Literature and has published more than 50 works on these areas. Among these writings, one can mention “The Story and Messages of Sheikh Eshragh” as well as stories and messages of Attar, Jami, Ferdowsi, Sana’I, Nezami, and Masnavi along with “From Zoroast to Sheikh Eshragh”. He has recently published an interpretation of “Secret of Secrets” and “Masnavi, Mirror of Rumi’s Beauty”.

What is the relationship between mysticism and today’s world and what have been or what could be the uses of mysticism? Is it impossible for the modern man to experience mystic life due to the long distance between “look and practice”?

 If the meaning behind mysticism is properly understood, it will be realized that mysticism does not belong to the past, present or the future. Mysticism is free of dimensions, time, or location. The superficial view is that mysticism was only possible is the olden days and living mystically is not likely today. Mysticism is the recognition of human being and existence. When the nature of existence is comprehended, then other sciences will just be in margin. The nature of existence and human being is awareness of “love”. What is significant is knowing the fact that mystics, at any given time, provided people with part of this reality which could be understood and digested by people. This ocean is endless and will continue forever. However, each person’s enjoyment of it depends on their understanding. Mysticism has been given to all existence and even material possesses mysticism. The question is if mysticism could be taken away from material so that it could be separated from human being, which is the embodiment of existence? Could love be separated from the earth? Therefore, mysticism is the nature of existence and it could not be taken away  from any creature. God says: “All creatures in sky and on earth pray God”. Therefore, it is the face of mysticism that is different in different eras. It has one form at the time of Noah (PBUH) or Ibrahim (PBUH) and has another form in the ancient Iran. According to one philosopher, 19th century was the time of materialism, 20th century was the era of science and the 21st century is the century of global mysticism.

An issue is considered shared by all religions and people that around which all discrepancies are removed, all colors fade, and all people could live together in this mystical lack of color. Nowadays, we live in a global village and all borders are political, not borders of thought; therefore, a global mysticism is being born. There are indeed many evil spirits who seek enmity, war, and power. These western materialistic people have now turned towards Islamic mysticism, which is Rumi’s mysticism, and they are growing in number day by day in a way that sometimes two thousand students of different nationalities and religions sit in such classes.
Another issue is that world intellectuals are being attracted to mysticism. Indeed, those who seek power and money still stick to the world. However, “only” one who possesses light could light the world on his own and then darkness has no power in the presence of light. Thus Satan is weak.
Mysticism is the global light and is the reflection of God that is being expanded every day. If all oppressors, evil-doers and enemies put their efforts together to hide this light, they will fail. Nowadays, mysticism is not as before and is not just seeking seckusion. It is manifesting itself in the market, at universities and the most prominent scientific findings. Global mysticism is not limited to mosques and abbeys. This form of mysticism is the mysticism of hearts and the massive astronomical progresses. In any part of the world, the soul is linked to God and light can be received. Mysticism cannot come to an end as it is permanent and eternal.
Nowadays, we are witnessing the emergence of technologic mysticism in the world, which are for instance expressed through the language of cinema. How could they be distinguished from the noble mysticism?
All through history, right and wrong, truth and lie have existed side by side. In the technological or virtual mysticism, the breath is being absorbed and after some time the individual feels that his sense of anxiety is more than before. Not only the individual does not gain internal peace, but his anxiety increases. Therefore, in this area, it is the experience that distinguished the noble from the non-noble and life is based on experience and growth. When an individual fails to achieve internal peace and justice, he comes to the understanding that the material that was sold to him was not noble. Human world is moving towards an spiritual birth and there is lots of optimism in the world. Therefore, one should not be deceived by appearances as a small light lights a vast area and the eternity belongs to the virtuous. When God is manifested in the humanity, all darkness will be removed. It is enough for a society to see the Godly spirit so that any form of darkness be removed. The appearances pass, but the truth persists. Waiting means that one day human being will achieve justice, peace, and sympathy.
What could the media do in order to distinguish the truth from lie and the noble mysticism from otherwise?

The mission of the media is to ask the questions and raise the issues related to mysticism from the experienced and provide these people with an opportunity so that the permitted doors are closed. If those who have reached light, do not express their message, the evil-hearted , the liers, and the cons will trap those youth who are seeking to reach the meaning. The one who finds gold, will leave the gilt alone.

Is it possible to consider religion a jewel that has been covered by mysticism that acts as a veil?
It is exactly the opposite as mysticism is the nature of the religion. This is due to the fact that mysticism is the manifestation of the spiritual being of mankind which is reflected in the form of prophecy, prophets and Imams. Therefore, those who believe mysticism is a veil, they have mistaken the effect for the cause. What is actually a veil is taking mysticism from the religion and turning it into superficial acts which lack their true nature. We have been advised to pray in a way as if we are “seeing” the idol and this is exactly mysticism. Mysticism is based on three principles of Sharia, path, and truth. Sharia is like a mold, path is the manifestation of the heart and truth is the spiritual and real face of mysticism. Therefore, mysticism reflects itself in these three unique symbols. Therefore, those who regard mysticism as the veil of religion, are either ignorant or seek other targets or they have possibly limited themselves  to the effects. An instance is that some of the acts of Muslims are interpreted as “Islam”. There are some people who have misused the name of mysticism and have embarked on certain acts. It is like religion and the many non-religious acts. Thus,  not only mysticism is not a veil, but also it is like a sun that has been hidden in the religion and that is the truth.