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Kurdistan security forces seize over 60,000 satellite dishes and arrest 1,900 people for watching satellite channels



Colonel Shah Mohammadi said that more than 61,000 items of satellite equipment were seized in Kurdistan in the first nine months of the [Persian] year.


“From the beginning of the year until now, with the day and night efforts of the State Security Forces, 61,882 items of satellite receiving equipment were discovered and seized in the province”, the head of the Kurdistan Security Police said.

He said that there was a 73 percent increase in these measures carried out [by the police] compared to last year.

“According to investigations, 93 percent of discoveries were related to the plan to round up satellite equipment and 1,942 elements who were behind the production, distribution, and installation and also those who use these kinds of equipment for the second time were arrested and handed over to judicial institutions”, he said. (Iran Police website – Dec. 27, 2011)

Source : Freedom Messenger