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Journalist Mehdi Mahmoudian Was Severely Beaten By Interrogators In IRGC’s Ward in Evin



Kalameh – There are reports that Journalist Mehdi Mahmoudian has been severely beaten in the IRGC ward 2-A of Evin prison. Also There are reports that Journalist Masoud Bastani is in dire health situation.

According to Kalameh reporter, these two journalists who have been incarcerated since 2009 have encountered very difficult situation recently in Rejaei shahr prison.

According to reports received by Kalameh, last week Mehdi Mahmoudian, who is serving his six years sentence, was transferred to Ward 2-A of Evin prison for unknown reason. This Ward is under the control of the Revolutionary Guards.

During the transfer of Mahmoudian from Karaj to Evin prison, he was severely beaten. After arriving at Ward 2-A, Mahmoudian was the subjected of severe beatings with a baton and verbal insults by the interrogators. The interrogators threatened Mahmoudian for writing letters from prison.

The severity of Mahmoudian’s beatings were to the extend that he lost consciousness, and was taken to Evin’s medical clinic by the interrogators. At the clinic they had to connect Mahmoudian to an oxygen tank to help him breath.

Mahmoudian was recently hospitalized due a heart ailment, and the prison officials are well aware of his health condition. Also, interrogating a prisoner who has already been sentenced and is serving time is against the law.

Mehdi Mahmoudian was arrested and taken to Evin prison on September 17, 2009 during the post-election unrest.

Mahmoudian, the head of public’s relation office for the Participation Front wrote and published a very revealing letter to the Supreme Leader describing the horrific conditions and situation in Rejaei Shahr prison.

The dire health situation of incarcerated journalist Masoud Bastani

Despite dire health condition, prison officials and the Judiciary officials prevent Masoud Bastani to be sent to a hospital for proper treatment.

A regime critic, journalist Masoud Bastani who is serving his six years sentence in Rejaei Shahr prison suffers from such severe headaches that recently, he had to be taken to the clinic located in the prison several times due to his body becoming numb.

According to the doctors from the Medical Examiners office who examined Bastani in prison, he should, as soon as possible, be taken to a hospital outside of prison for tests and CT scans.

Already, Bastani suffered from digestive problems and suffered severe toothaches. In recent weeks, his severe headaches and his body becoming numb has added to his problems.

Despite Bastani’s dire health situation, prison officials refuse to send him to a hospital for proper treatment. This has caused much worry and concern for Bastani’s family and cellmates.

Masoud Bastani has been incarcerated since his arrest on July 5, 2009. He has been sentenced to six years in prison on charges of propaganda against the regime and collusion and gathering with the intent to create disturbance.

He was in Evin prison until January 2009. However, on January 25, 2009, against the Bureau of Prisons rules and regulations of separation of prisoners according to their crime, Bastani was transferred to Rejaei Shahr prison where hard core and dangerous criminals are imprisoned.

Bastani has been denied use of furlough throughout his incarceration and is one of the political prisoners who has been in prison since his arrest.
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Source: Kalameh