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Continued Detention Of Gonabadi Dervishes

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Mrs. Simin Nematollahi one of the Gonabadi Dervishes was arrested by security forces in Tehran , today .

According to Majzooban Noor reporter , this morning, Jan 11 , 2012 ( Dey 21 , 1390 ) Mrs Nematollahi was arrested and taken to unknown place by security forces who assaulted to her house  and her personal  equipment   was confiscated   by them after  illegal  Searching and inspection  .

Our reporter  added that also this morning, Mr.Kasra Nouri another Gonabadi  dervish   in  the same way have been arrested in Shiraz  and taken to unknown place.

Detention and harassment of dervishes have been  continued during  past four months so that the latest arrests of  Mr. Reza Pishkar (Poshtkar) by security forces in Kavar and Mr,Nasrollah Laleh director of Haghighat  publications  were happened on Dec 20 ( Azar 29 ) and Mr.Laleh transferred to  209  section of Evin prison in Tehran .