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Serious concerns for grave health of prisoner Abdollah Momeni




Abdollah Momeni, spokesperson for the student alumni organization (Daftar-e Tahkim-e Vehdat) was transferred to Evin prison’s infirmary due to severe stomach pains.

Advar News website reported that on January 22, when Abdollah Momeni was taken to Evin prison’s infirmary, he refused to stay because he was assaulted and abused by the staff.

Other political prisoners shared with their visiting families that several hours later, Momeni was transferred back to the infirmary due to severe stomach pains. No one has seen or heard from him since then, suggesting that he might have been transferred to a different location.

Earlier on Monday, in a brief telephone conversation with his family, Momeni shared that Evin prison officials had only given him one injection as a treatment for his ailments.

The family of Abdollah Momeni has expressed great concern for his health and whereabouts. The family members explained that political prisoners in Evin prison are given short restricted access to telephones, resulting in the families staying uninformed about the health and circumstances of their loved ones.

Fatemeh Adinehvnad, the wife of this member of the student alumni organization (Daftar-e Tahkim-e Vejdat) told Advar News that on Monday, when Abdollah Momeni did not show up at the weekly family visitation in prison, nobody would give them an explanation regarding his whereabouts or health.

She added that in the past month, due to the neglectful and irresponsible behavior of prison officials, Abdollah Momeni has been suffering from a painful skin condition adding to his ailments and his skin has broken out into painful hives.

Abdollah Momeni, spokesperson for the student alumni organization (daftar-e tahkim-e vehdat) was violently arrested on June 20, 2009 in the offices of Free Citizens (Mehdi Karroubi’s campaign). He spent the first 100 days of his incarceration in solitary confinement and was subjected to intense interrogations and agonizing physical torture.

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