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Web Developer and Humorist Mehdi Alizadeh Has Been Sentenced To Death



Continuing his trend of issuing death sentences, Judge Salavati, presiding over Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court, has given the death sentence to web developer and humorist Mehdi Alizadeh.

The Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court has sentenced Mehdi Alizadeh on Moharebeh charges (enmity against God).

Alizadeh’s lawyer and family have been officially notified of the death sentence ruling issued by the lower court.

30 years old Mehdi Alizadeh Fakhrabad from city of Mashhad is married . He was first arrested summer of 2008 in a case known as the “Deceptive Project” (obscenity related).

Alizadeh was incarcerated in Ward 2-A of Evin prison for nine months before being released on 100,000,000 Tomans bail.

He was rearrested March of 2011 and is currently incarcerated in Ward 350 of Evin prison.

Mehdi Alizadeh is a codefendant in the same case as Saeid Malekpour and Vahid Asghari, both of whom have also been sentenced to death.

Recently Judge Abolghasem Salavati has issued death sentences for Javad Lari, Vahid Asghari and Amir Mirzaei Hekmati
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Source: HRANA