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Regime Critic Blogger Dr. Mehdi Khazali Suffered Stomach Bleeding On Hunger Strike



On Thursday, February 2nd, Dr. Mehdi Khazali was taken to the medical clinic in Evin prison due to stomach bleeding caused by his hunger strike.

Despite the fact that Dr. Khazali is in poor health and has lost about 35 lbs due to his prolonged hunger strike, he has vowed to remain on hunger strike.

During this past summer, Dr. Khazali was also on a hunger strike in prison before being released on bail.

Kalameh reported on Wednesday that, on his 24th day of hunger strike, Dr. Khazali was transferred from Evin Ward 209 to Ward 350, looking frail and very thin.

Since the fraudulent 2009 presidential election, Dr. Khazali has been arrested several times . Last summer, he suffered a neck injury during a violet arrest. He remained in prison for one month on a hunger strike before being released on bail.

Recently, in a letter to Ayatollah Khamenei, Dr. Khazali, criticizing the current events in the country, said, “You have the choice to either accept my suggestion (writing weekly letters) or to send me to solitary confinement for the fifth time.”

Source: Kalameh