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Anniversary Of Destruction Of Shariat Worship Place In Qom





On the anniversary of event destruction of Qom worship place , by some unfaithfuls people ,We condemn this cowardly act and will seek help from God to put us to his right path and  keep his own servants away from unjust oppression …Amin.

In 2007, a letter was published by a group describing themselves as seminarians of Qom in which they warned against the “dangers” of Sufism and called on authorities to deal with it “more firmly.” They added that the “Hizbullah nation of Iran” is ready to cooperate and assist officials.
Monday afternoon, the thirteenth of February, Iranian government officials
created trouble in the city of Qom and destroyed the gathering place of Sufis in
this city. The attack came during the night when the Hosseinieh was burned and
all traces of this large building evened to the ground by bulldozers, it is said that
hundreds of Sufi Dervishes were arrested. Amnesty International, Ayatollah
Montazeri and Mehdi Karroubi, former head of the parliament protested and
condemned these actions as non human and anti Islamic…


Majzooban Noor