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Parliament says women should stay in the house



The Research Center of the Majlis examined the policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the employment of women and the reverence of housekeeping in a lengthy report…

According to reports, the Cultural Observations Office of this center said in its report, “What has to be encouraged and supported by the government and lawmakers is providing job opportunities for [women] who are the heads of their families [i.e. single parents]. In other words, the employment of women in cases when they are the heads of families has to be encouraged but not employment for all women”.

“According to Islamic teachings, the priority of an Islamic government is the issue of housekeeping for women… therefore what has to be encouraged in an Islamic government is housekeeping”. (ISNA state-run News Agency)




Ayatollah Safi Golpaygani said in a meeting with a group of women who were participating in the Hijab and Chastity Congress of held by Iran’s Red Crescent stressed that changing the Islamic culture of housekeeping was one of the most dangerous deviations and said, “No service is greater than and more valuable for women than housekeeping”.

“I have constantly told some sisters [women] that my cloak has no value in the face of their chador. The fact that you cover yourself with the chador and come out into the society is like Jihad [fighting for God]”, he said…

“The other important issue is that they want to change the Islamic culture regarding women. The pure culture of Islam for women is housekeeping, which is what some consider as unemployment”.

“Be aware that no work is more important for women than housekeeping”, he stressed. (ISNA state-run News Agency)

From Freedom Messenger