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Dr. Mehdi Khazali Has Been Kidnapped From The Hospital


Kalameh reports Dr. Mehdi Khazali was removed from Taleghani hospital at 2:00 AM by agents and taken to an undisclosed location.

The agents taking Dr. Khazali did so without the knowledge or authorization from his physicians. Hospital personnel that witnessed this kidnapping were in shock and were not able to show any reaction to the agents.

A hospital personnel that witnessed this event told Kalameh, “Considering the dire health condition of Dr. Khazali after 43 days on a hunger strike, this action puts Dr. Khazali’s life in danger, he needs to remain under physician’s care.”

Despite the fact that Dr. Mehdi Khazali has lost a significant amount of weight and is very weak, he has refused to break his hunger strike. Hospital personnel said this veteran of Iran-Iraq war was in high spirit.

Dr. Khazali was taken to Taleghani hospital on Friday after suffering heart complications due to his prolonged hunger strike.
Translate by persianbanoo
Source: Kalameh



Another report :
According to reports received by Kaleme, dissident blogger and government critic Dr. Mehdi Khazali who was transferred to Taleghani hospital after suffering a heart attack on the 43rd day of his hunger strike, was taken away from Taleghani hospital by security forces at 2:00am today.

This latest act by security forces took place without the consent of the hospital physicians.  The hospital staff who were shocked by the events that transpired had no control over the actions by the security forces and had recourse but to watch the events unfold.

An eyewitness at the hospital told Kaleme: “Given the physical condition of this political prisoner following 43 days of a hunger strike, his  life is in undoubtedly in danger for he requires medical attention.”

It is worth mentioning that the security forces in question provided no explanation for this transfer.  Despite his physical weakness and extreme weight loss, Dr. Khazali has refused to break his now 44 day hunger strike.  Hospital personnel  did however described this honorable fighter’s spirits as strong.

Mehdi Khazali was transferred to Taleghani hospital after suffering a heart attack at Evin prison.
Translate by BanooyeSabz
Source: Kaleme