Activist on trial in Tabriz



Iranian women’s rights activist Faranak Farid went on trial today in Tabriz as several women writers, poets, lawyers and other activists attended.


A Zamaneh correspondent reports that Farid has been charged with propaganda against the regime and insulting the leader.

The court cited Farid’s attendance at various conferences abroad, interviews with the media and the publishing of various articles as instances of propaganda against the regime.

The charge of insulting the leader has been substantiated by a number of photos found in her computer system during a search of her home and belongings.

Faranak Farid has already been tried in another court for disturbing public peace and has not yet been sentenced.

Farid was arrested last September during the protests against government inaction over the drying of Lake Oroumiyeh and was released on bail after 41 days in custody.

Farid was reportedly injured due to beatings sustained during her arrest.

Several cities in the Azerbaijani provinces of Iran saw protests when Parliament struck down a plan to redirect water to Lake Oroumiyeh, which according to experts is drying out at an alarming rate.

The protests led to widespread arrests that included at least 12 women. Behjat Faramarzi was sentenced to six months in prison and 20 lashes, Roghieh Hassanzadeh to 91 days in prison and 20 lashes. Three others have been acquitted and others are still awaiting their trial.