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Citation of 4 Dervishes of Dashti village in the suburbs of Isfahan


Four Ni’matollahi Gonabadi Dervishes of Isfahan were summoned .

According to Majzooban-e- Noor reporter on Saturday 25/06/2011 Mr. Morteza Rahimi, Ali Vakili, Rasoul Rahimi, and Mostafa Rahimi the son of Azizollah were summoned to the police department located on Rudaki street in Isfahan and then were accompanied by officers called Sajjadi and Abbasi and another person in plain clothes were to a place next to Dastgerdi Isfahan prison and there, they were interrogated by lieutenant Abbasi.


In the interrogations some questions were raised such as: How long is it those dervishes’ ceremonies have been held in this village? How many dervishes are there in this village? What are their names? And how are the ceremonies budgeted? How are you aware of the dervishes’ news? How can you provide the photos of your master and your sheiks? For how many years have you been a dervish?
It should be mentioned that Mr. Morteza  Rahimi’s identification card was taken from him and wasn’t returned to him and they  said they will deliver his National ID after introducing Mostafa  Rahimi (Reza’s son ) and the presence of other dervishes in the police station.