Human Rights Activist Kouhyar Goudarzi Has Been Sentenced To 6 Years in Prison


Human rights activist and member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, Kouhyar Goudarzi has been sentenced to six years in prison by Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran presided by Judge Pirabbasi.

Goudarzi was tried and convicted on charges of “Propaganda against the regime” and “Gathering and collusion with intend to act against the regime”.

Goohyar Goudarzi was arrested on August 31, 2011, he was in solitary confinement for sixty days and his status and whereabouts were unknown for three months.

According to his family, he is still incarcerated in the high security Intelligence Ministry’s Ward 209 in Evin prison, the authorities refuse to transfer him to the General Public Ward 350.

Kouhyar continues to be incarcerated in Ward 209 despite the fact that his interrogations have been completed and according to law he should be moved to the General Public’s ward.

Kouhyar has been incarcerated in Ward 209 for seven months now.

Kouhyar’s mother, Parvin Mokhtari was also arrested the day after his arrest. She was tried and sentenced to twenty three months in prison by Lower Court.

The Appeals Court overturned Parvin Mokhtari’s sentence and changed it to a suspended sentence. However, due to another case in Kerman Branch 104 of the General Court, the judge has refused to release her.

According to Parvin Mokhtari’s lawyer, she is to be tried on March 7, 2012 on charges of “insulting the martyrs and the Supreme Leader” and if she is exonerated of those charges she will then be released.

Parvin Mokhtari is currently incarcerated in the General Ward of Kerman prison.
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Source: CHRR