Dozens of women banned from university because of ‘un-Islamic veiling’




Reports from the Tehran Science and Industry University show that in the past few days, a number of female university students received disciplinary sentences for having ‘un-Islamic veiling’.

The Science and Industry Disciplinary Committee has suspended a number of students for half a year on charges of ‘not following university rules’, and ‘not having Islamic covering’. This is while their charges were not announced to them from before and they were not summoned to participate in an official meeting where the sentence was issued [as is customary].

There are still no exact figures on the numbers of students who received disciplinary sentences but according to credible reports, the sentences have been announced to 10 to 20 female students.

A number of students who objected this initial sentence were faced with reports and records of their transgressions that they were not informed of.

Last semester, students at this university were met with stricter rules in the ‘Moral Code’ and Protection Department [a department in universities tasked with controlling students] patrols in the university campus.

Also, last semester, Dr. Salehzadeh, the head of the Science and Industry University Bassij Faculty Organization and the head of the School of Architecture at this university prevented the registration of 15 female students in this school because they had not participated in a mandatory session about the Hijab [Islamic covering]. He announced that these students would be prevented from registering at the university in the next semester. (Daneshju News website )


Source : Freedom Messenger