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Fire protesting! A threat to all despotic governments!!

“Hòa thượng Thích Quảng Đức” believed in Mahayana, one of the Buddhism branches. He was a monk who burned himself to death at one of the busiest Saigon’s roads in June 1963. In this action, without making any movement he burned himself to death calmly like a candle.

“Hòa thượng Thích Quảng Đức” believed in Mahayana, one of the Buddhism branches. He was a monk who burned himself to death at one of the busiest Saigon’s roads in June 1963. In this action, without making any movement he burned himself to death calmly like a candle.

Thích Quảng Đức’s action was subsequence of his protesting against the persecution of Buddhists by South Vietnam‘s Ngô Đình Diệm administration. In a short while, Photos of his self-immolation were circulated widely across the world and brought attention to the policies of the Diệm regime.

After self-immolation, his body was re-cremated. His heart which remained intact was interpreted and famed as a symbol of compassion and sympathy, called “Holey Heart”. Buddhists revered him as a bodhisattva who is an enlightened person whom resorting, others are to be helped to reach to this position and hereby the impact of his death on the public psyche was heightened.

Thích Quảng Đức’s act increased international pressure on Diệm and oblige him to announce reforms with the intention of compromising with the Buddhists. However, the promised reforms were implemented either slowly or not at all.

After a while, the protests escalated. Continuing these protests, pressure on Buddhists increased and Diệm’s loyal Special Forces reopened the nationwide assaults on Buddhists. They raided on Buddhists pagodas, seized “Holey Heart” and caused some monks’ death, mass apprehension and widespread damages to Buddhists.

Objecting to these actions, several Buddhist monks followed Thích Quảng Đức’s example and like him burned themselves to death. Eventually, increasing protests, the Army lunched a coup against despotic government and toppled Diệm administration.

Thích Quảng Đức’s and other monks’ self-immolation protesting the tyrant government despotism, was widely seen as the turning point of the Vietnamese Buddhist crisis and the reason of Diệm administration downfall.

The immensity of Quảng Đức’s action wasn’t for his self-immolation or his sedate burning, but for his self-dedication for his believes and for his empathy with his faithful brothers against of South Vietnam autocrat administration persecution.

And then

We are speaking to those who do persecute and don’t think of Dervishes’ heart sigh!

Divine knowledge and insight are understandable just for mystics. There would be many fetishes and pagans who essentially behave in God way and there would be many pretentious religious people who are enemy of God and whose hearts worship idols.

A preacher asked his son … do you know what does Islam is upon on?

Truth, benignity and service to humankind … are both prayer and life key.

Son said based on these measures in our town … there is one Muslim who is Armenian!

You persecute Dervishes and destroy their holy places “Hosseinieh”. You arrest, investigate and imprison them. You dismiss dervishes from their jobs. You threaten them to destroy Mazar Soltani and inordinately presume to cite their master “Moula” into your superficial courts. You have though that like Diệm you have sat on the eternal throne and your stability is more than Namrood.

Oh, you have lost your thought and wisdom. Do you think that there is not any one like Quảng Đức who dedicates himself for his believes? Or they would be prostrated fearing of you?

Have you forgotten about Hallaj, Sohravardi, Najmoddin Kobra, Attar, and Sarbedaran?

These are who on the persecution gallows make blood ablution and they don’t frown at any whip and sword and express their gratitude to God.