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Annan’s 6-point proposal to end Syria conflict






AP – The six points of U.N. envoy Kofi Annan’s peace plan for Syria, which have been accepted by the Syrian government.  

— Syria commits to work with Annan “in an inclusive Syrian-led political process to address the legitimate aspirations and concerns of the Syrian people.”  

— Syria commits to stop fighting and immediately stop troop movements and use of heavy weapons in populated areas. As these actions are being taken, Syria should work with Annan to end all violence, under U.N. supervision. Annan will seek similar commitments from the opposition to stop all fighting.  

— Syria accepts and implements a daily two hour “humanitarian pause” to deliver aid and evacuate the injured.  

— Syria commits to intensify “the pace and scale of release of arbitrarily detained persons” and provide a list of all places where such people are being held.  

— Syria commits to ensure freedom of movement throughout the country for journalists “and a nondiscriminatory visa policy for them.”  

— Syria commits to “respect freedom of association and the right to demonstrate peacefully as legally guaranteed.”