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Kofi Annan arrives in Tehran


Kofi Annan, the UN-Arab League Syria envoy entered Mehrabad Airport in Tehran on Tuesday night to hold talks with Islamic Republic officials about the Syrian issue.


Iranian media report that the former UN chief arrived in Tehran on Tuesday night with his delegation of six to discuss possible solutions to the Syrian crisis.

Reports indicate that Annan is to meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian president; Saeed Jalili, head of the Supreme Council of National Security, Ali Akbar Salehi, the Iranian Foreign Minister and a number of other Islamic Republic officials.

Iran has remained a supporter of Beshar Assad government in the past year of protests in Syria and spoken of the role of Israel and Western countries in fomenting the unrest.

Annan will meet with Salehi tomorrow at 9 AM and later proceed to a meeting with the Iranian president. Salehi has said that the solution to the Syrian crisis can only be reached through patience and perseverance.

“We believe in Kofi Annan’s mission for the Syrian issue.” Salehi said earlier; “and we believe that support from Arab nations, Turkey and the United Nations for this mission will help reach a solution to the Syrian problem.”

Kofi Annan visited Turkey before arriving in Iran to see the Syrian refugees camping near the Syrian borders.

Annan has asked the UN Security Council to give the Syrian government until April 10 to begin part of his proposed peace plan. Annan’s six-point plan calls for a commitment to a ceasefire, an immediate halt to the use of all heavy weapons in populated areas, a daily two-hour halt to fighting allowing for the evacuation of injured and the delivery of aid, and talks aimed at reaching a political solution.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Moualem said in a meeting with his Russian counterpart today that Syrian troops had already pulled back from cities in line with the peace plan but said that a complete ceasefire can only be reached after foreign observers are stationed in the country.

Syrian protests which began in March of 2011 have so far left 9 thousand dead.

Source :Radio Zamaneh