Iranian songwriter sentenced to jail


Arya Armnejad Iranian singer and songwriter has been sentenced to a year in prison for “propaganda activities against the Islamic Republic regime.”

Armanejad reported in his Facebook page yesterday that the Revolutionary Court has sentenced him to one year in jail on the basis of the article 500 of the Islamic Penal Code which says “whoever engages in propaganda activities against the Islamic Republci regime or in favour of dissident groups will be sentenced to a jail term between three months to a year.”

Aramnejad reports that he was given the sentence based on four pieces of music he had written entitled “In a Hundred Years”, “Nostalgia”, “To Touch Freedom” and “Bitter Song.”

He has also been penalized for visiting with Mohammad Khatami, former Iranian president and top reformist figure, as well as meeting Parvin Fahimi, mother of Sohrab Aarabi, one of the protesters that were shot and killed in the street demonstrations that followed the disputed 2009 presidential elections.

Source : Radio Zamaneh