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Intelligence Ministry’s Agents Stationed In Ward 350 Of Evin Prison



In a new efforts to restrict and control the political prisoners in Evin prison Ward 350, an Intelligence Ministry security agent has been placed in Ward 350′s guards station.

According to reports by Jaras, this security officer’s duty, in addition to controlling the status of the prisoners, is to establish relations with some of the prisoners in order to obtain information on the goings-on inside Ward 350 and the prisoners’ status.

This action was taken despite the fact that by law, Intelligence security agents are strictly prohibited from monitoring prisoners who are serving their sentence.

During the post-2009 presidential election events, scores of political activists, journalists, human rights activists, students, and many protesting citizens were arrested, and, after months of pressure, torture and solitary confinement were eventually transferred to Ward 350 of Evin prison and to Rejaei Shahr prison.

For months, Evin prison officials have banned phone use for the political prisoners in Ward 350.
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Source: Kalameh