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Concerns Over Health Of Imprisoned Journalist Reza Ansari Rad


Reformist journalist Reza Ansari Rad, incarcerated in Ward 350 of Evin prison since the May 3 summons to serve out his sentence, is in poor health.

Per received reports, Ansari Rad has suffered nervous breakdown twice within the last two weeks.

According to his cellmates at Ward 350, his attacks resemble epilepsy, which, if un-noticed by his fellow cellmates, can potentially put his life in danger.

Reza Ansari Rad was sentenced in September of 2009 to one year in prison by the Revolutionary Court. This sentence was upheld by the Court of Appeals.

Within the last two weeks, Evin prison’s sentence implementation section have incarcerated two journalists. Mahsa Amrabadi is the other journalist that was incarcerated after being summoned to Evin on Wednesday May 9th to serve out her two years sentence.
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Source: CHRR