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IAEA Chief in Tehran


The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency is due to hold talks today in Tehran with senior officials on the country’s controversial nuclear program.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali-Akbari Salehi has said the visit by Yukiya Amano should lead to the clearing up of questions on Iran’s nuclear program, which the West suspects hides a nuclear weapons program, something Tehran denies.

Amano said he was optimistic ahead of his talks with Iranian officials.

“We need to keep up the momentum. There has been good progress during the recent round of discussions between Iran and the IAEA, so I thought that now is the right time for me to visit Tehran and have direct talks with high level officials of Iran,” Amano said to reporters upon arrival in the Iranian capital.

The IAEA is seeking greater access to Iranian sites, including Parchin, a military complex southeast of Tehran.

The IAEA suspects the large containment chamber there could be used for possible nuclear weapon development. 

The IAEA chief visits Iran ahead of key talks between Iran and six world powers in Baghdad on May 23. 

Meanwhile, Russia’s deputy foreign minister has accused some Western nations of plotting military action against Iran over its nuclear program.

Based on dpa and AFP reporting
Source : RFE/RL