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Iranian police restrict sale of neckties


Iranian security forces have forbidden retail stores from selling ties, ISNA reports.
In a report on Tuesday, ISNA writes: “The latest news tells of restrictions on the sale of neckties.”

A retailer told ISNA: “The order has been issued by the security police, and we are obliged to remove all neckties from our stores.”

Javad Dorodian, the head of the shirt tailors and retailers union, told ISNA: “After the victory of the Islamic Revolution (1979), the sale of ties was banned; however, this was not strictly enforced and the issue would only surface sporadically, forcing retailers to stop the sale of neckties.”

He added: “Even our logo, which always had a tie in it, had to be changed and the tie had to be removed.”

Since its foundation, the Islamic Republic has enforced strict rules on public attire. While women have to wear loose long clothing and cover their hair, men are required to wear long sleeves and collarless shirts.

Ties are not allowed in public offices, but in recent years, some men could be seen in offices sporting a tie.

Some historians claim the origin of the tie can be traced to the ancient Persian Empire, the Sasanids.
Source : Radio Zamaneh