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Five Gonabadi Dervishes Arrested In Gerash City : Continue To Oppose Islamic Mysticism



The security atmosphere of Grash county in Fars province is still unsettled due to continue the movement against the Gonabadi dervishes citizen residing in Gerash city in Friday Prayers by retrogressives people and enemies and opponents of Islamic mysticism.

According to Majzooban reporter, temporary Friday prayer Imam of Gerash city in today’s Friday Prayers on Khordad 19 1391 ( Jun 08 2012 ), has threatened to destroy the Gonabadi dervishes’s worship place and named the Gonabadi dervishes who are duodenal Shi’ite, as ” Subversive “.

and said: dervishes are dangerous for the Islamic community and we must fight with them!

At the end of Friday prayer, the scroll (petition) that had been prepared against Gonabadi dervishes, was read and were offered to people for signature .

In continuation of the new wave in dealing with Gonabadi dervishes in Gerash city, dervishes move towards Gerash to support and protect their brothers in faith.

Our reporter added that, five of the dervishes, who had come from Daran county in Isfahan Province to protect their brothers in faith, were arrested by security forces and plain-clothes men this morning.

The names of these Gonabadi dervishes are as follows:

Ahmad Esmaeeli

Ezzat Rahimi

Farhad Esmaeeli

Ghazanfar Alivand

Omid Rahimi

The arrests has been done, while in the last few days and today, retrogressives people and enemies and opponents of Islamic mysticism, with pre-designed action that is ordered by the security agencies, have begun to make adverse advertising against the Gonabadi dervishes citizen residing in Gerash city by gathering in city squares, create a scroll, spread false and ill notifications, using loudspeakers and distributed night letters.