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Christian Church Closed by Iranian Authorities



Security forces in Iran closed down an Iranian church in the “Jannat-Abad” region in Tehran, Tuesday, reports HRA News website.  The measure is in line with rising pressures by the Iranian regime on the Iranian-Christian minority throughout the country.


Iranian Christian sources say that the Jannat-Abad church was closed down following orders from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Intelligence.  The agency operates independently of and according to informed sources its agents act considerably more brutal than the Iranian Information Ministry agents.

Iranian clerical rulers are facing growing number of young Iranians who convert to Christianity.  This is despite the theocratic government’s spending of substantial amount of money on yearly basis to expand its version of Islamic rule throughout the Middle East region.

Iranian Christian sources say the closing of the church may be a start for closing other churches in Iran.

The church was operating under official license when the Pastor, Robert Gag-Tappe was ordered to stop operation.  The church served the Iranian-Assyrian community in Tehran who are mostly Catholic.

The Iranian theocratic rulers are exerting more pressures on the Iranian Christians and specially those who have converted to Christianity from Islam considering the act to be an act of apostasy qualifying such a person to receive the death sentence.

There are reports that people carrying bibles in Iran are harassed and arrested by authorities in Iran and their bibles are confiscated.  Some reports indicated the bibles are burned after they are confiscated.

Many church goers in Iran are expressing concern about being watched by undercover agents during pray ceremonies in their churches.  Church officials are under constant pressure by the authorities to prevent any Farsi speaking people from attending ceremonies.

This is the second time the Jannat-abad church is being closed by the Iranian authorities.
Source : Freedom Messenger