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Life Of Human Rights Activist Narges Mohamadi Is In Danger

Following is a translation of a statement released by the Committee of the Human Rights Reporters warning about imprisoned human rights activist Narges Mohamadi’s dire health.

Narges Mohamadi, the deputy head of Iran’s Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC), is in poor and dire health.

According to the latest reports received, her paralyses like illness has intensified in recent days in prison. In the last visit she had with her family, she was not able to clearly speak or walk by herself.

Narges Mohamadi was arrested June 2010 and was released twenty days later on bail due to her dire health. After her release, she was hospitalized and was under special care for a long time.

She was later tried, convicted and sentenced to eleven years in prison. On appeal, her sentence was reduced to six years in prison.

After the sentence enforcement division issued an arrest warrant, Narges Mohamadi was arrested by the Intelligence Ministry’s agents and was transferred to Evin prison.

She was illegally incarcerated in the Intelligence Ministry’s Ward 209 in Evin prison instead of being imprisoned in the General Ward 350 of Evin. She was transferred to Zanjan prison 20 days later.

This transfer took place despite the fact that her sentence did not carry an “exile” to a place other then her city of residence, which is Tehran.

The transfer and incarceration of Narges Mohamadi in Zanjan prison, a prison that holds hardcore criminals, murderers, and drug traffickers, can be dangerous and life-threatening for her.

In the past, and after the 2009 presidential election, prison officials have repeatedly ignored serious health problems of political prisoners and have denied necessary medical furlough, causing irreversible damage to health of many prisoners.

According to the Bureau of Prison’s regulations, they are responsible for the safekeeping and the life of the prisoners and should provide a safe and secure environment for them.

The Committee of the Human Rights Reporters expressed serious concern for this human rights activist, and is asking for an urgent review of her situation.

Narges Mohamadi is only a human rights activist that has tried to improve the situation of human rights in the society.

This sort of conduct by the Judicial system only damages the reputation and dignity of the Iranian judiciary.

The Committee of the Human Rights Reporters warns about the consequences of holding Narges Mohamadi under the current situation in Zanjan prison and asks for her immediate and unconditional release.
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Source: CHRR