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Ahl-e Haqq’s Shrine in Kermanshah Destroyed

HRANA News Agency – Last week, Iranian security forces destroyed the shrine of a religious minority commonly known as Ahl-e Haqq (Yarsan). The construction of this shrine was not yet complete when it was demolished.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Sayed Farokh Shrine is located in the village of Khobyaran Jalalvand in Kermanshah Province. At the time of its destruction, local residents had financed a reconstruction project to repair it.
Eyewitnesses have reported that the police refused to show a permit for the destruction of the shrine although the residents of Khobyaran asked to see the court order.
The rural district of Jalalvand consists of 55 villages. The vast majority of residents in these villages are the followers of Ahl-e Haqq. In recent years, Iranian government has pressured Jalalvand’s residents to denounce their faith.
Kiyanoosh Asa Outstanding Student in Science and Technology, Tehran,who in protest of the results to choose the president was martyred at  1388 , was also a native of the province of Kermanshah and belonged to Ahle-Hagh (Yari-Yarsan).