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Activist ends hunger strike



Jailed Iranian human rights activist Mohammad Seddigh Kaboodvand has ended his 59-day hunger strike against the government’s refusal to live him visit his sick son.

The Kurdistan Human Rights Organization reported that Mohammad Seddigh Kaboodvand ended his strike on Tuesday, after prison authorities promised to grant him a furlough to visit his son.

The reports indicates that Kaboodvand expressed deep appreciation for all the people both inside and outside Iran who expressed support for him and his family throughout his ordeal.

The Kurdistan Human Rights Organization also reports that Kaboudvand’s wife, Parinaz Hassany, was told by her husband during their latest visit that prison authorities have agreed to grant him leave to visit his son.

Kaboodvand has reportedly said that the head of Evin Prison, along with a number of other officials, have urged him to end his hunger strike by promising they will agree to grant him a furlough.

Mohammad Seddigh Kaboodvand has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for his human rights activities. He is charged with “acting against national security and propaganda against the regime.” He has already been jail for more than five years.

He has been on hunger strike because authorities have refused to let him spend time with his son, who is under treatment for a rare blood condition.

Source: Radio Zamaneh