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4 Azeri citizens are being held in East Azerbaijan Province
Yusef Khodadadi, Chairman of the Ardabil Revolutionary Court, reported the arrest of two Azerbaijani “spies.” He said that four Azeri citizens are currently being held in prison in the province. Two of them are charged with spying, while the other two are charged with drug trafficking. Azerbaijani poets Farid Huseynov and Sahriyar Hacizada were detained on drug charges in Tabriz (East Azerbaijan Province) in early May. Their charges were later changed to spying against Iran.
Cyber police arrest seven spouse-finding bloggers in Tabriz
Colonel Ali Qasemlu of East Azerbaijan Province Cyber Police (FATA) announced that the province’s cyber police “had arrested seven illegal bloggers in Tabriz.” He said that the blogs were blocked, and “the accused have said that curiosity and unawareness of the dangers of the Internet were the reasons for their activities… and that four of them are under the age of 20.” Six of those arrested were later released on bail. FATA recently issued a warning that Internet spouse-finding is a new and developing phenomenon. Young people get into these chat rooms to find their future spouses, and there are scoundrels who abuse the situation, obtain people’s personal information and attempt to blackmail them.”
Cyber police in Mazanderan warn against chat room traps
The Commander of the cyber police in Mazandaran Province announced the arrest of an individual who engaged in fraud and extortion over the internet. He warned the public against disclosing personal information in chat rooms and on the Internet. The commander emphasized that chat rooms are extremely large and unsafe space for young people, who might fall into the trap.
Balochi (Sunni) political prisoner sentenced by revolutionary court to 22 years in prison and exile to remote Ardabil Prison
Shir Ahamad was arrested three years ago in Tehran and transferred to the Intelligence Ministry prison in Zahedan. For three years, Ahmad was prohibited from any furlough or from any contact with family members, but was allowed brief phone calls with family members. Two months ago, Ahmad, along with another political prisoner, Abdulwahab Rigi, was transferred to solitary confinement in prison due to their adherence to Sunni religious commandments such as certain length of beards. This behavior against the two prisoners caused other Sunni prisoners in the prison to protest, which in turn resulted in protests by prisoners who were severely repressed by prison guards. According to reports, during the suppression of the Sunni prisoner revolt, the guards even shot at them from prison roofs. Eight prisoners were relocated to an unknown location, and no information of their condition has been made available for the past two months.
Debts of large car manufacturing plants causing delay in payment of wages
According to a statement by worker rights activist in Mazandaran, Nasrallah Dariabiji, 180 workers at the Pichkooban factory have not been paid for the past three months. These 180 workers are specialists and experienced workers in a factory, whose salaries have not been paid due to the failure of major Iranian car manufacturing plants to pay their debts. According to Dariabiji, the problems of the private factory have increased with the termination of manufacturing subsidies following the Subsidy Reform Law, a drop in car manufacturing and unrestrained imports of Chinese merchandise.
Young worker killed in work accident
A 25-year old worker from Tehran strangled to death when scarf around his neck got tangled in the milling machine.
Brother of head of bus drivers union arrested
Afhsin Osanlu, brother of Mansour Onsalu (imprisoned head of the bus drivers union), was arrested several years ago on charges of terrorist activities, but has since been released. No information about his whereabouts or condition has been made available. According to reports, however, Afshin spent recent years outside of Iran, undergoing espionage and security service training in terrorist and sabotage activities. Immediately upon his reentry toIran, due to the alertness ofIran’s intelligence and security forces, Afshin was arrested.
Human rights activists report tighter security atmosphere in Karon Prison in Ahvaz following execution of four Arab minority political prisoners
Following a deteriorating atmosphere in this prison, prison guards confiscated all books, notebooks and diaries of political prisoners, exacerbating the already harsh prison conditions in the political prisoner wing at Karon Prison. The move was carried out following publication of a film recorded by four prisoners prior to their execution that was clandestinely transferred to outside the prison.

Source: Irandailybrief