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Nucleat talks to continue late August



The next round of nuclear negotiations between Iran and the world powers will take place later this month.

The Russian news agency Ria Novosti reports that Sebastian Brabant, a spokesman for the European Commission, said in Brussels on August 14 that the six world powers and Iran will hold a new round of talks on Iran’s nuclear program in late August.

The report goes on to add that in a telephone conversation, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Iran’s Secretary of the Supreme Council of National Security, Saeed Jalili, agreed to attend the talks in late August.

The U.S. announced yesterday that there is still an opportunity to resolve the disputes over Iran’s nuclear program through diplomatic means.

The world powers met with the Iranian delegation in Moscow in June and, before that, in Baghdad and Istanbul in May and April.

Iran denies it has any military ambitions around its nuclear activities and insists that its nuclear activities are geared at toward peaceful power generation and medical purposes.

The G5+1 wants Iran to stop enriching uranium enrichment to the 20-percent level, because it could be a pathway to developing nuclear weapons.

Iran claims uranium enrichment is necessary to develop fuel for its nuclear reactors.

The EU and U.S. have imposed severe sanctions on Iran over these nuclear disputes.

Iran has expressed its readiness to discuss the suspension of uranium enrichment; however, it maintains that an agreement over nuclear disputes can only come with the easing of sanctions against Iran.

Source: Radio Zamaneh