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Former political prisoners summoned to Evin Prison

Majid Dorri, a prominent student activist imprisoned for 6 1/2 years, has protested in a letter against former political prisoners Shiva Nazar Ahari, Jila Bani Yaghoub and Reyhaneh Tabatabai being summoned to Evin Prison.

The three activists now face a resumption of prison terms imposed after the 2009 Presidential election.



Ashura protester arrested three years ago summoned to Evin to serve 4-year sentence

Following his arrest, Behzad Arab Gol was held in temporary incarceration for six months, 50 days of which was in solitary confinement. Arab Gol, a construction worker, is married and the father of two small children.


Turkish language and literature lecturer and member of the Azerbaijan Civil Society Association arrested at home in Orumieh

Dr. Yusuf Bidardel was apparently arrested for his journalist activities involving local fund-raising activities for areas affected by the earthquake in eastern Azerbaijan.

Source: Iran Daily Brief