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An Iranian Official: Fired Workers Either Lack the Desire to Work or Have too Many Expectations!



“Fired workers either somehow lack the desire to work or have too many expectations, reducing their productivity. The ability to fire such workers will create a sense of trust between employers and employees, reduce labor costs and increasing production.” said Rahim BanaMowlaee , Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce at Alborz Province in an interview with pro-government media outlet ISNA.

This public official’s claims regarding the high expectation of fired workers comes at a time when Iran is experiencing an unprecedented financial crisis and without any mention of the ever increasing number of factories filing for bankruptcy, not to mention the ineffective economic policies of the ruling establishment.

While ignoring a worker’s right to strike under Article 45 of Labor law as ratified in 1988, BanaMowlaee defended the firing of workers creating disturbances within factories adding: “A law that prevents an employer from firing an employee rather than facilitating order will lead to potential disorder and disturbance, for a number of workers will potentially abuse this right, causing disturbance in the factories and their workplaces.”

Translated by Banooyesabz

Source: Kaleme: