Principle of: Unity for the truth

The said principle indicates an important issue in foreign policy of the state and international relations during the history of humankind. It has always been observed that different unions established among groups of states, whether military, political, economic, and commercial, are based on and follow two general goals. The first goal is increase of efficiency of gaining benefits among member states of the union and the second goal is increasing the benefits or preventing the losses caused by non-member states. Most of these unions are established on a geopolitics morphology basis, which the neighboring factors have been the main causes of homogeneity and enjoyment of common interests, culture, manner, race, language, customs, and traditions and so on.

The said principle indicates an important issue in foreign policy of the state and international relations during the history of humankind. It has always been observed that different unions established among groups of states, whether military, political, economic, and commercial, are based on and follow two general goals. The first goal is increase of efficiency of gaining benefits among member states of the union and the second goal is increasing the benefits or preventing the losses caused by non-member states. Most of these unions are established on a geopolitics morphology basis, which the neighboring factors have been the main causes of homogeneity and enjoyment of common interests, culture, manner, race, language, customs, and traditions and so on.

    The various unions, which are established on the basis of the said two goals, are always attempting to maximize the collective interests of member states. According to the Islam's standpoints, the establishment of these unions shall be only acceptable when the rights of other states are not to be violated. Entering in a treaty or being a member of a union for exercising cruelty and oppression against another weak state is not authorized. Islamic government is supporter of its friends and non-belligerent enemies' interests, whether being present or absent. And also if the belligerent enemies set aside their arms of fighting, and by uttering the words of: "There is no God but All?h" they would be liable to be under shelter of Islam, even if they perform it hypocritically. It should be mentioned that although the life, property, family, and honour of the latter are under protection of Islamic government but they shall not be considered as friends of the believers, unless by gaining faith which is another stage after accepting Islam as their religion, which happens by swearing special oath of allegiance. If the aforementioned weak state being among the groups of the believers, then according to the following verse God will be their supporter: "Verily, All?h will defend the believers against 1 their enemies; verily, All?h does not like the ungrateful traitors".2 And also says: "It is not for any messenger to betray his followers".3 And the believers are ordained: "O, you who believe! Do not betray All?h and All?h's messenger nor misuse knowingly properties entrusted to you". 4 That is to say, when the Islamic union is established nobody should betray it. In s?rah of Yusof, it is said: "I did not betray him in his absence; verily All?h does not give way to the guile of the traitors".5 Extending the concept of this verse to international level will prohibit unity and/or any betrayal activity against others. Almighty God prohibits the honorable Messenger (S) showing hostility in favour of the traitors. In Glorious Qur'an, it is said: "Do not be a pleader for the treacherous ones".6 That is to say, you should not show enmity towards others just by untruthfully establishing union with traitors. If a state by establishment of treacherous union acts against Islam's government, then taking mutual actions (reprisals) would be the command of All?h. It is said: "And if you fear treachery from any people, throw back their covenant to them on terms of mutuality, for All?h does not like the treacherous people".7 And to betray messenger of God means to betray God and it is said: "But if they intend to betray you, no wonder, since they have betrayed All?h too".8

    The command of Glorious Qur'an for being in co-existence and unity with the right, could be understood from the following verse: "O, you who believe! Fear from All?h and be with the truthful".9 That is to say, in case of necessity of any supporting, backing and unity, this co-operation and accompanying should be with the truthful.

    Extending this principle to international level shall lead to establishment of a universal unity which would be able to stand against the wrong doing states and be a guarantee for enforcement of international law. This unity is to put the concept of the following verse into action, which says: "Say (O, Messenger): O, people of the book! Come to the word (of monotheism) which is common between us and you".10