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Denial Of Medical Treatment To Incarcerated Gonabadi Dervishes Lawyers




Not being sent to the hospital in time has caused hearing loss in the left ear of imprisoned lawyer Omid Behroozi, a member of the Gonabadi Dervishes.

This Prisoner of Conscience who has been imprisoned in Evin Ward 350 for fifteen months without being tried, is suffering from arthritis in his 5th and 6th vertebra and ear aches caused by blows to the head and neck during his arrest. Due to the harsh conditions of Evin Ward 240 solitary confinement, and the cold damp cells, his condition has worsened.

Behroozi was incarcerated in solitary confinement at Ward 240 for sixty days and the officials ignored his pleas regarding his health condition. They even refused to deliver blankets to him. This inattention to his condition has caused damage to the auditory nerve in his left ear.

It is noteworthy that after repeated requests for treatment, he was examined by doctors at Taleghani hospital and was told his condition can easily be treated by medication such as Cortone.

Afshin Karampour, Farshid Yadollahi and Amir Eslami are the other Gonabadi Dervishes lawyers that are held in Ward 350 that are deprived of needed medical treatment and attention.

Farshid Yadollahi has been waiting 13 months to receive dental treatment, and has been waiting 5 months to be sent to hospital for surgery.

Amir Eslami was sent to Masih Daneshvar hospital in September for treatment of a heart condition but due to prison officials refusing to pay for the cost, he did not receive treatment and has been suffering with heart condition for three months.

For over a year, Afshin Karampour has lost his mobility due to a torn tendon in his leg and is suffering in Ward 350 without ever having been tried.

Translated by persianbanoo

Source: Kalameh