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Dervishes Continue to Gather Despite the Cold Weather in Shahrekord




Two days after security forces attack on worshp-place of Gonabadi dervishes in Shahrekord and declare an ultimatum to dervishes, dervishes to support their brothers in in faith, are still there.

According to Majzooban reporter, despite the cold weather in Shahrekord county, (at about 10 degrees below zero right now), the couageous and strong appearance of dervishes has led to prevent enemies of true Islamic mysticism from accomplishing their own grim and dirty goals. Dervishes have stated that they will continue gathering protest till Municipal Security Council give them a written guarantee that the extremists and security forces will not cause any trouble for this worship-place and dervish ceremonies .

And also they stated that, will never allow to abuse or oppress their religious and worship-places.

According to reports, around 2,000 dervishes from all around the country have gone to Shahrekord and camped around the worship-place.

And other Gonabadi dervishes from other cities of Iran are planning to move towards Shahrekord county too.



