Planning to Demolish Gonabadi Dervishes’s Worship-place in Shahrekord







One of the municipal officials of Shahrekord, in an interview with “Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province network” said: “The house of Mr. Saffaian must be demolished due to “Changing consumption” in accordance with Article 100.”

According to Majzooban reporter, a municipal official of Shahrekord In an interview with “Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province network” formally announced: ” If dervishes do not vacate the worship-place, we will deal firmly with them.”

He added that Mr. Saffarian’s house will be demolished because his house is being used as a worship-place sometimes.

Mr. Saffarids, owner of mentioned place , in response to this news, said to Majzooban correspondent: “Does it mean “”Changing consumption” if we do pray and worship to Allah two hours per week in this house ?? Do other people not hold a Religious Speech or Mourning ceremony of Imam Hussein in their houses?

Does everyone have a license for that?

It is clear that the problem is just with holding dervish ceremonies.

This condition is caused by Intelligence service that have put pressure on Municipality.”

According to received news to Majzooban Noor, five Wiretapping and eavesdropping devices has been discovered by the dervishes up to now!

It proves that Intelligence service is involved with this trouble.

From last night security forces and riot police have been deployed in the streets around the house.

According to dervishes it is possible that, security forces and riot police attack the house of Mr. Saffarids after Friday Prayers.