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Continuation of the detentiona of a converted christian in Tehran







Mostafa Bordbar from converted Christians who was detained by the security forces in Tehran during Christmas, is still in detention in Evin prison.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), quoted from Mohabbat News, there is no news from Mostafa Bordbar -who was born on 1986 and is a converted christian from Rasht- and how he has been arrested.

According to the released reports, on Thursday, December 27th of 2012, about 50 converted christians in Tehran gathered for Christmas eve prayers and praising Jesus Christ at a home in Northern Tehran but have been arrested by the invasion of plainclothes security forces.

These people have been detained for hours at the same place and got permission to leave the house after interrogation. During this event also Priest “Verevir Avansian” arrested who is Iranian-Armenian christian, while he is sick hardly. The priest was released after 15 days detention in Evin prison by providing bail until the day of his trial.

Sources reported that the security agents after detaining Mostafa at the same night, went to his brother’s house in Tehran and searched everything, but when they did not find anything related to his christianity, they left the place with Mostafa after an hour.

Mostafa after detention by security forces, which seems spend his interrogation days under of Evin prison interrogators control, had not any contact with his family. Finally after two weeks they allowed him to have short phone call with his family to tell them that he is doing OK.

His family could not visit him despite of followings up, haunt to judicial centers and Evin detention center after Mostafa called them.

– Refusal of accepting the bail to release him:

After one month of Mosata Bordbar detention, according to the news, judicial department asked for bail instead of his provisional release until the trial day but unfortunately they refused the bail of his family because it belongs to Rasht and prevented the provisional release of this prisoner of conscience.

Judicial officials asked the family of this christian prisoner to provide a bail belongs to Tehran. Then it seems until his family will find a new bail he should be in detention.

Mostafa Bordbar has been arrest in accusation of conversion to christianity and attending the hidden churches at homes in Rasht on 2009.

He is also accused to apostasy and released by providing bail which is registered in his dossier.

Translated by: Ramyar Hassani

Source: HRANA News Agency