Two Iranian journalists arrested






Two more Iranian journalists were arrested by Iranian security forces on the night of Saturday January 26.

Milad Fadayi-Asl, the head of ILNA’s political section, and Soleyman Mohammadi, a reporter for Bahar daily newspaper , were arrested and transferred to Evin Prison, the Kaleme opposition website reports.

The families have not been given any reason for their arrests.

Fadayiasl was previously arrested at his home in December of 2009 and served a one-year jail sentence.

Soleyman Mohammadi has collaborated with several top Iranian newspapers, including Shargh, Etemad and Hamshahri.

The two were arrested under orders from Court of Culture and Media, a court especially established since last year to process cases against journalists and writers.

Reporters Without Border says Iran is the biggest jail for journalists in the Middle East.

Source: Radio Zamaneh