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Protest Gathering of Gonabadi Dervishes in Front of AdelAbad Prison/Dervishes On sixth day of Dry Hunger Strike

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This Morning: Farvardin 6 1392 (March 26 2013), on the sixth day of two Dervishes’s dry hunger strike, over 50 Gonabadi Dervishes that their numbers are increasing, gathered and sought sanctuary in front of the Shiraz’s Adel Abad Prison.
According to Majzooban Noor, with deteriorating health condition of two Dervishes who are currently on seventieth day of their hunger strike and resistance at Adel Abad prison, a number of Gonabadi Dervishes gathered and sought sanctuary in front of the Shiraz’s Adel Abad Prison to express solidarity with all jailed Dervishes.
The Dervishes have stated that they are not going to leave there unless demands of the hunger strikers are met and they end their strike before it leads to a catastrophe.
It is notable that the worried families of Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri, have expressed growing concern over the deteriorating health of the hunger strikers and added that, they are on the verge of death now! and the Iranian authorities, specifically Judge Salavati and Intelligence Ministry will be responsible for any risks to their lives as a result of their ongoing hunger strike because the Iranian Judiciary officials have not yet reached to their simple demands after 70 days.
According to received news, one of the Dervishes has been taken to an unknown location in Prison by security guards and there is no news of him.
Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri are currently behind bars for almost 20 months in Shiraz’s Adel Abad prisonin, on charges of “Propaganda against the regime”, “Acting against national security”, “Deviant group (Majzooban Noor) membership” and “Interviews with foreign media, Radio Farda”, but they have not yet received a definitive sentence till now. It seems that, after 20 months, their case is under investigation in Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court. We note in this regard that although they have been in detention more than the serving a period of time which would equate to their sentence, therefore now their detention surely is unlawful.