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Threats and Intimidation: Judiciary and Intelligence Solutions to Break Dervishes’s Hunger Strike

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A few hours ago, when the Dervishes gathered in front of Adel Abad prison, security forces by threats and putting pressure on two striker Dervishes, forced them to eat some bread and took video reports of them!
According to Majzooban Noor, this Morning: Farvardin 6 1392 (March 26 2013), on the sixth day of two Dervishes’s dry hunger strike, over 50 Gonabadi Dervishes with deteriorating health condition of two Dervishes who are currently on seventieth day of their hunger strike and resistance at Adel Abad prison, gathered and sought sanctuary in front of the Shiraz’s Adel Abad Prison to express solidarity with all jailed Dervishes. The Dervishes have stated that they are not going to leave here unless demands of the hunger strikers are met and they end their strike before it leads to a catastrophe.
Also it was reported that, two striker Dervishes thanked the people and asked them strangely to leave the place as soon as possible… but regarding to this heinous act of intelligence officials forcing striker Dervishes to take the bread which in they are filmed, probably all of this has been done under pressure of Intelligence officials.
According to worried families of these Prisoners of Conscience their existing health conditions have been exacerbated due to their prolonged hunger strike and their health has deteriorated. The condition of them grows more and more dire, worse than before. Now they are suffering with vision loss, kidney failure, bowel adhesion in addition to weakness, weight loss and dizziness and the appearance of these symptoms are warning signs of their dire health condition and indicate that they are facing life-threatening health complications!
Each of them have lost more than 35 kg and due to extreme weakness collapsed for several times. Under their eyes and fingernails have gone severely bruised and can not stand on their feet but they still insist on their demands and are not willing to break their strike.
It is notable that, these such attitudes is indicative of how the Iranian judicial authorities shirk their responsibilities! It is not a new issue as previously on 15th of Bahman 1391(Feb 3, 2013) despite the poor physical conditions of these two Gonabadi Dervishes, the security forces and prison authorities forced them to sign a letter stating that they have good physical health and they do not need any medical treatment and health care!
Now…the question is that: Is there any other way for Government to shirk responsibility to save lives of peaceful imprisoned Dervishes, apart from threatening, coercion, force fed bread and using its affiliate reporters???