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Gonabadi Dervishes Failed to Welcome Release of Saleh Moradi

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Numerous Gonabadi Dervishes who had gathered in front of Adel Abad prison to welcome jailed Dervish, Saleh Moradi, returned home deeply disappointed.
Although, the trial Judge had ordered release of Saleh Moradi but he has been still kept in prison.
According to Majzooban Noor, imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish in Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison, who was supposed to be release on parole under order from his trial Judge, is still being held in Adel Abad prison.
Unfortunately he was not released while so many Gonabadi Dervishes were ready to greet him in front of the Adel Abad prison.
So far, reasons for not being release despite to the order of release Saleh Moradi that was confirmed by the judge, is still unclear.
Saleh Moradi has spent more than 19 months in jail as temporarily detention on charge of “Propaganda against the regime”, “Acting against national security” and “Deviant group (Majzooban Noor) membership” while he is still awaiting trial.

By considering that, he has been in detention more than the serving a period of time which would equate to his sentence, so his continued detention is surely illegal.
Saleh Moradi along with Kasra Nouri have been protesting with a hunger strike against the illegal transfer of their Dervish lawyers to solitary confinement since 87 days ago and require prison officials to transfer back their dervishes lawyers to the general ward of Evin and called attention to their poor health situation but unfortunately their simple demand has not been met yet.