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Unawareness of Abdolghafour Ghalandari Nejad’s Situation/Gathering of Gonabadi Dervishes outside the Intelligence Office in Bandar Abbas

ghafoor setadkhabari


Due to unawareness of the conditions that, Abdolghafour Ghalandari Nejad is being kept in, the Gonabadi Dervishes residing in the city of Bandar Abbas, assembled again in front of Hormozgan Province’s Intelligence office today on 1 Ordibehesht 1392 ( April 21, 2013).
According to Majzooban Noor, the family of Abdolghafour Ghalandari Nejad along with more than 50 Gonabadi Dervishes referred again to Hormozgan Province’s Intelligence office and demanded for a visit and being informed of the situation of this Dervish but were faced by hostility from security forces. After that, his family referred to Hormozgan Province Justice department in order to meet with judge Shahriyari Nejad (the nominated judge by Bandar Abbas Information office) who refused to meet with them and even the letter of his family was returned to them without any consideration!
In continuation of the efforts of his family, by referring to the Interrogator of the third branch of Hormozgan Justice, Mr. Bahrami Nejad, they spoke of their legal requests and Mr. Bahrami Nejad with the initial and stamping the letter issued a family permit to visit him if, that is in the presence of security forces. But the security forces again rejected demands of his family and announced that they can meet with detained Dervish tomorrow (Monday) at 8 am.
After hearing the empty promises and the contradictory responses by security agents and
Intelligence officers, the family of Abdolghafour Ghalandari Nejad along with other Gonabadi Dervishes announced that they are not going to be dispersed from the front of Bandar Abbas’s Intelligence office until to visit the detained Gonabadi Dervish.
The gathering has started at 9 am Sunday, the first day of Ordibehesht and still is ongoing.