The Disappearance of Human Rights Activist Koohyar Goudarzi And Arrest Of His Mother


In an interview with Jaras news site, Koohyar Goudarzi’s friend, Ali Gholizadeh, describes the circumstances of arrest of Koohyar’s mother.

Mother of human rights activist Koohyar Goudarzi described to her family visiting her in Kerman prison the events that took place during her arrest.Koohyar’s mother told her sister and mother visiting her in Kerman prison that early in the morning on Monday August 8, while she was home alone and in the bathroom, 4 agents entered her home by climbing the wall. She said it was a very frightening moment to all of a sudden face 4 plainclothes agents.
Koohyar Goudarzi’s friend, Ali Gholizadeh told Jaras, “The plainclothes agents, without identifying which agency they are affiliated with, told Koohyar’s mother to get dressed and go with them.
They also told her that her son has been arrested and is in Evin prison. They said the reason for her arrest is to stop her from giving press interviews about her son.”
He adds, “Since, according to Tehran’s Prosecutor’s office, there is no outstanding arrest warrant for Koohyar, and also the denial of all of the Judiciary officials regarding any knowledge of his arrest, it is not clear if what the agents said regarding Koohyar’s arrest is accurate.
He continues, “It is not really clear what has happened to Koohyar and if in fact he has been arrested, the arresting agency is not known and his current status is unclear.”
This student activist adds, “The attorney pursuing Koohyar’s case in Kerman has said that a temporary detention order has been issued for Koohyar by a Court in Kerman. The attorney said that Koohyar’s case, with the charges of acting against national security, has been transferred to a branch of the Revolutionary Court in Kerman.
Also, the transfer of Koohyar’s mother’s case from the prosecution’s office to court, with such speed, is in itself quite strange and adds to the complexities and questions about this case.”
Ali Gholizadeh, who was an activist for Karroubi’s presidential campaign during the last elections, voicing his concern for Koohyar and his mother, adds, “We were supposed to have a country in which, if a Jewish woman was dragged by the anklet around her feet, the witnessing Moslem men would overcome with grief (referring to story during Imam Ali’s time).
It was not supposed to be the case that the agents of the Islamic Republic could climb the walls of the home of the mother of a human rights activist and arrest her while she is bathing. Shouldn’t the men of honor in this country die with the shame of such pain.”
He asks, “Who, and with what authority, has ordered 4 men to climb up the wall of the home of a woman alone at home and arrest her.
Koohyar’s mother did not even know that he had been arrested. What crime has she committed that she should face four men she does not know in her bathroom early in the morning?”
Gholizadeh believes, “Considering everything that has happened and all the illegal actions by the officials, it amplifies the worries and concerns about the well being and the status of Koohyar.
It makes one wonder that, if Koohyar is well and still alive, and is not under illegal pressures to give false confession, then why arrest his mother in such manner? Why don’t they allow him to contact anyone?
Why don’t they allow his family and friends to see him?
Is this the way they should treat an activist who has no one except his mother?” (Koohyar’s dad lives outside of the country).
This stared student adds (banned from education), “This is not what our fathers intended for the revolution to become. They did not intend for this much pressure be put on the best children of this country, people that their only crime is seeking freedom and human rights. The mothers and their children were not suppose to be treated like this.
It must be noted that it now has been more than 10 days since the disappearance of the human rights activist and Sharif university banned from education student Koohyar Goudarzi,
So far, none of the Intelligence or Judiciary agencies have accepted responsibility for Koohyar’s disappearance.
Koohyar Goudarzi, a human rights activist and banned from education university student, was arrested December of 2009 while he and other human rights activists were on their way to Qom to attend the funeral of Ayatollah Montazeri.
Koohyar was tried on June 2, 2010 at branch 26 of the revolutionary court presided by Judge Pirabbasi . He was sentenced to one year in prison on charges of propagating against the system and various other charges related to his work and membership with the Committee of Human Rights Reporters in Iran.
He was in Evin prison for 10 months before being moved to Rejaei Shahr prison where he remained until he completed his sentence and was released.
Source : JARAS