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Afshin Osanlou, Iranian Worker Activist, Passed Away in Rajaie Shahr Prison



Afshin Osanlou, Iranian worker activist, passed away because of a heart attack in Rajaie Shahr Prison.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Afshin Osanloo who was prisoner of conscience and brother to Mansour Osanlou President of Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (Vahed Syndicate), who has also been prosecuted and imprisoned for his union-related activities, was transferred to hospital because of a heart attack and passed away.

Security forces arrested Afshin Osanloo in the main Tehran bus terminal in December 2010 without any specified charges. He spent three months inside Evin Prison’s Security Ward 209 without his family’s knowledge. He was sentenced to five years in prison in May 2011 on charges of “acting against national security” and “propagating against the state” without access to a lawyer, and his sentence was upheld by an appeals court.

On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 Afshin Osanloo was abruptly transferred to the Special Security Ward of Rajaee Shahr Prison on orders from Evin Prison’s Disciplinary Council and without any explanation. Prior to his abrupt transfer, Osanloo had been serving a five-year prison term at Evin Prison.

HRANA News Agency